How to Clean Toilet Ring

Hard water can create a ring around the toilet that is very difficult to remove with regular cleaning, but there is a very simple way to get rid of it

As a cleaning professional I use this method because is fast and the results are amazing

1- Dump a bucket of water to the toilet

2- Scrub with pumice stone

3- Clean and disinfect

Here is the step by step with pictures:

Picture of toilet showing a hard water ring

1- Dump a bucket of water in the toilet, this will make the water in the toilet stay at the bottom allowing you to see the ring clearly

2- Use a pumice stone to remove the ring, the pumice stone must be wet at all times to avoid scratching the surface. Scrub until all hard water stain is removed

Picture of brush cleaning toilet

3- Remove residue, clean and disinfect using a regular toilet cleaner solution and a toilet brush. Flush the toilet afterwards

Picture of toilet without ring after being cleaned

Enjoy the fantastic results! Your toilet will look as good as new, here are some tips to keep it this way

  • Clean the toilet bowl at least every week using a brush and regular toilet cleaning solution
  • Use a thin brush with  long handle like a water bottle brush instead of regular toilet brush, they reach areas regular brushes can’t
  • Some times the ring returns no matter what, specially if you have hard water, keep your pumice stone handy and remove the ring as soon as you see it appear