How to Clean Baseboards

Baseboards normally escape our cleaning routines, furniture hides them and most of the time they just collect dust and a simple duster will do the job, but in some areas they can get very dirty, mostly in the kitchen and bathrooms.

If it is a small area you can just wipe the spot by hand, but if it is a large area or the entire house then is not a very good idea, as a cleaning professional this is the method I use because is very fast and the results are amazing. 

Here is the trick I use when I have to wipe baseboards of an entire house:

1- Wrap a damp cloth around a broom

2- Spray your favorite cleaner directly into the cloth

3- Press the broom against the baseboard

4- Wipe all dirt off baseboards and wall

Here is the step by step with pictures:

Picture of Broom and Bucket

1- Use a broom and a damp microfiber cloth. Wring the cloth as much as you can and wrap it around the broom

Picture of cloth around broom secured with rubber bands

2- Wrap cloth around broom and secure it the best you can, I use rubber bands

Picture of cloth around broom being sprayed with cleaner

3- Spray cleaner directly on cloth, never on the baseboard. I use Simple green because is fantastic for this type of job. Cover sides and bottom

Picture of broom with cloth around it cleaning baseboard stains

4- Press the broom against the baseboard to wipe it, you can apply pressure as needed depending on how dirty it is, you can even wipe spots on the walls

Picture of broom with cloth around it showing clean baseboard
Picture of broom with cloth around showing an entire hall just cleaned with it

Enjoy the fantastic results! You can clean the entire house in minutes without bending or getting on your knees.

  • Use your favorite Multi-purpose cleaner, I use Simple Green but any cleaner works
  • Use this method to clean hard to reach and high areas
  • To keep your baseboards looking great, wipe spots as you see them appear